Well, this is a new adventure for me. I’ve always liked to write, tell stories, share my faith, and give my opinions. At the present time, I’m working on my memoirs. I’ve discovered that I have lots of stories to tell about my life. Some events have  shaped me, while others are reflections are snippets of memories. I’m going to try posting at least one per week.

I’ve never blogged before and I don’t entirely understand the process that goes into it. So, while I’m comfortable with content, I’m still experimenting with appearance, options, and technicalities. I hope you’ll find the writing interesting enough to put up with the format and appearance.

I’d love to hear your comments–hopefully for this first post they will just be prayers, positive suggestions, and encouragement. When I actually post a story or other thought, please feel free to post your reflections or memories.

May God bless you this day and fill you with the hope and joy of Jesus.
